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  • PG Diploma in Mass Communication
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  • PG Diploma in Mass Communication
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pg diploma in mass communication in delhi

PGDJMC (PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Comm.)

pg diploma in mass communication college in delhi

(PG Diploma in Anchoring & Reporting)


(PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication)

ugc approved courses

PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass communication (PGDJMC) is a 1 year Post Graduation programme that proposes students a combination of basics in conceptual and practical skills which is required to grow as media professionals of distinguished fields.

The bunch of modules is exclusively arranged in a way which benefits and comforts young minds, with various skills required for job in the astonishing and speedily developing media world. The programme handles a blend of academic and experimental training that provides its students, a chance to catch the satisfactory job in the fields like Reporting, Television, Editing, Script Writing, Film Production, Radio, Journalism, Advertising, etc.

PGDJMC Eligibility : Bachelor’s degree in any discipline

PGDJMC Duration : 1 Year

Objective : PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication has been redesigned with focus, providing more opportunities for students to unlearn and relearn. IIMMI follows a unique teaching methodology that consists of classroom lectures, tutorials, seminars, workshops, demos, field visits, practical work, case studies, presentations, and live industry projects.

The learners of Journalism & Mass Communication, News Media, Advertising, Public Relations, Radio and TV are given practical working projects because it helps them attaining technological as well as professional skills, in our workroom.

* On due completion of the respective course students are awarded with the degree from UGC recognized University.
** The institute conducts Autonomous Course.

Request for Information

Course Curriculum

PGDJMC / MJMC (1st Year)


Mass Communication

Print Media

TV Journalism


Production Portfolio

Social Media

Fundamental of Journalism**

Introduction to Film Studies**

Environmental Communication**

Reporting & Feature Writing**


Industry Training**

** Covers Course content for Diploma (Autonomous Program) based on Practicable training


Academics Advisors

FACULTIES AND MENTORS are from renowned Universities like- Delhi University, FMS, IIT etc. and from the corporate world.

Practical Exposure

Corporate visits for practical exposure, internships and placements records because of the practical training.

Seminars and Workshops

Value added education from seminars and workshops that supplements student’s bookish learning and helps them to learn new things apart from classroom studies.

Overall Development

Overall PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT by offering corporate communication skills classes to make students stands distinguished in the crowd.

Comfort Learning

Spacious and air conditioned class rooms and computer lab with well equipped whiteboards.

PGDJMC Program Features

Quick view of the PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication program features

Industry Experts

pg diploma in mass communication

The learners of Journalism & Mass Communication, News Media, Advertising, Public Relations, Radio and TV are given practical working projects because it helps them attaining technological, practical as well as professional skills. Our faculties and mentors are renowned senior Journalists and Editors which offers an excellent chance to learn from highly experienced professionals of the industry. Along with our outstanding faculties, we also offer exceptional facilities for TV, Radio and latest software used in the fields of print media. With all such facilities, we provide the unique professional experience and skills.

Excellent Media-Lab

mass communication college in delhi

IIMMI has developed its reputation as one of the foremost telecast mass communication college in Delhi-NCR. Students here are provided academic and practical training in many fields, to carry out the best career in mass communication like Films, Television, Publishing, Journalism, Editing, Direction, Film-making, Script Writing, Production, Anchoring, and so on. Our media studio offers the student's experience with innovative media accessories, helpful in their bookish learning as well as helpful in developing experimental as well as live working experience on hi-tech audio-visual accessories.

Industrial tour

top mass communication college in delhi

Learning of Journalism & Mass communication cannot be conveyed within the four walls of the classroom. IIMMI firmly trusts in considerable industry knowledge and that is the reason, our students visit press, newsrooms, publication houses, news workshops, take part in talks shows & Short-Movie Competitions, etc., to build up the practical learning and experience about the techniques and ways, directly from the experts of the industry. These visits help the students developing confidence which improves their overall personality and also smarten up their practical knowledge.

Unique Curriculum

mass communication college in delhi

Our Journalism & Mass Communication courses are designed in such a way to meet the requirements of the Television industry. We have dedicated faculties which aim at preparing students, a professional through guiding them along the routes of both journalistic concepts as well as telecast practical skills at the same time nurturing and developing by our own campus newspaper “IIMMI Times”. IIMMI assures you, as you passed out your Mass Communication course, you would not struggle for a job because you are already trained with practical skills needed and demanded by the industry.

What IIMMI Students Say

Internship & Placements